Throughout his lifetime, artist Frank Stella has been transitioning between periods adeptly, with novel and mesmerizing results. A 60-year survey, Experiment and Change–of artworks made from the 1950s to the present– is currently on at the NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale, Florida since November 12, 2017 and will continue until July, 8, 2018. Works in the exhibition include paintings, sculptures and collages in brilliant colour (although, in all fairness, Stella can even make black-and-white sing) carried through his artistic career and now, 2017 to 2018 too.

Installation view of Frank Stella: Experiment and Change at NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale, Gallery 3, Photo by Steven Brooke

Could it be then that Experiment and Change is not only a way to reframe the past, but also the future?! Happy New Year everyone! Best wishes for a healthy, supportive and engaging 2018; for more Frank Stella too!