Get your bags, umbrella, and BIG Babsenergy!–That’s Barbra-Streisand chutzpah and arguably, the OG Barbie! Make like our “Funny Girl” did, more than *ahem* fifty-years ago, on the set of the film of the same name, down to Pier 36, NYC! This time however, for the 2023-version of, “Hey Mister Arnstein, Here I am,” the Art on Paper fair, September 7-10, where my work will be showing at BoxHeart Gallery’s Booth H02, along with exemplary artists Karen Antonelli, Mary Becker, Tiffany Budzisz, Seth Clark, Augustina Droze, Clara Fialho and Joshua Hogan.
Art on Paper Preview
To preview the works ahead of the opening, please check out BoxHeart Gallery’s, Featured Collections,, or Artsy: Art on Paper, online.
At either site you will find a selection of botanical–anatomical drawings and paper-tole inspired reliefs; dazzling papier-mâché and watercolours summoning the sublime; collages accentuating the power of a “torn line;” and choice sculptures from my collection, Without Interrupting the System–which is my anytime-version of “Don’t tell me not to fly […] Don’t bring around a cloud, To rain on my parade!”
Art on Paper Program
Other exhibitor programming putting paper “front stage” are installations, workshops and recent works by art greats–Judy Pfaff being a fave! Plus, in partnership with the Center for Book Arts, Art on Paper is launching the book arts fair, Booksmart, with curated selections from Dieu Donné and the MoMA Library Council.
And the Award Goes to…
So don’t let time pass you by! “Live and live now,” and go to the fair! See for yourself, why art is its own reward, and can exist well-beyond ourselves, our efforts and expectations.
Don’t Rain on my Parade (song): Writing, Bob Merrill and Jule Styne
Funny Girl (film): Writing, Bob Merril, Jule Styne and Issobel Lennart; Direction, William Wyler and Herbert Ross
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